vhp human performance BV
Phone:0031 (0)70 3892010
Huijgensstraat 13a
2515 BD ‘s-Gravenhage
How do you find the ideal collaboration between humans and cobots? That is what we, vhp human performance, think is an interesting question. We specialise in the human-machine interface and also the human-organisation interface. The increase in automation and robotisation can be a godsend, but it easily creates a new problem. We look for the ideal cooperation in this interplay and ensure that humans are given an appropriate role. We like to do this together with robot and cobot developers.
Our enthusiastic team consists of over 20 professionals: industrial designers, interaction designers, psychologists, ergonomists, and experts in change. The different backgrounds enable us to tackle complex issues integrally. Together with the technical party, we are a strong team.